Throughout history and cultures, sound and music has shown the ability to either heal or harm. Everything in the universe is made up of molecules which are all vibrating at different frequencies. The human ear can hear between 20-22,000 Hz so most of the frequencies given off by the objects in the world around us are either below, (too dense), or above, (too fine), our range of hearing but it does not mean that we cannot feel them. When astronauts first went into space they suffered 'space sickness' which was believed to be because they were being deprived of the Earth's resonance. Instruments that emitted 7.83 Hz- the Earth's frequency – were fitted and the 'space sickness' was no longer experienced. Our organs and other different parts of our bodies all resonate a different note which when blended together can produce a 'symphony' that is like our own unique fingerprint. Obviously, there are basic standard frequencies for optimum health and in an ideal world we would all be in harmony and balance. Due to the constant bombardment of negative factors in our lives such as stress, negative energies, pollution, etc, we are often just continually out of tune with our true resonance. This obviously impacts upon our lives over a period of time and leads us to dis-ease.
Sound Therapy is becoming a popular way of re-tuning our own individual resonance with the world around us and re-harmonising our mind, body and spirit. Sound is used to correct imbalance on all levels using a method known as 'Sympathetic Resonance Entrainment'. One example of this is using two tuning forks of the same note and holding them close to each other. When you strike one of these forks, the other fork will begin to ring. This is because the sound waves from the tuning fork that was struck has travelled through the air and activated the tuning fork that was not struck. The tuning fork that was not struck is considered as coming into sympathetic resonance with the other fork. Ancient instruments such as traditional Tibetan/Himalayan or Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are often employed as is tuning forks, gongs, didgeridoo, voice toning, over-toning, percussion and mantras etc.
The various tones of a gong or a vocal over-toning can be very affective in healing although some people who may be sensitive can dislike some of the deeper sounds of a Singing Bowl or Gong which can resonate around a room and send a vibration through the human body before the sound is actually heard. Each person will be aware of their own levels of sensitivity and should ask the Sound Therapist to stop if they start to feel uncomfortable physically or mentally.
Sound Therapy is a complementary therapy and not meant as an alternative to orthodox medicine. It can be used as a preventative therapy or alongside orthodox medicine depending upon the nature of the illness or the level of that illness. Many people like to use Sound Therapy for emotional problems such as stress, tension, mild depression, etc. It can also be used to boost the immune system. If only we could detect and clear out imbalances and negative energies before they were able to manifest in physical illness.
When we allow ourselves to continue living our everyday lives without taking time out to listen to what our own bodies our telling us we can come to the point where are energy fields are so blocked that they will take a long time to clear. It is believed that negative energy manifests itself within the auric field long before being diagnosed as a physical illness. Sound Therapy, like Reiki, Spiritual Healing and Chiron Healing is a form of Energy Medicine in that it attempts to treat the energy fields of living beings before illness can develop or worsen. Such methods of healing have been done on both humans and animals with interesting and positive results.
Many ancient civilisations used sound as a powerful tool for healing. Modern practitioners of Sound Therapy tend to use a combination of both ancient and modern techniques to produce an effective healing tool that is a synergy of scientific fact, intuition and centuries of knowledge and wisdom taken from peoples who knew and used it. Sound Therapy has been known to help with headaches, migraines, insomnia, hormonal problems, cysts and many other problems. However, it will depend upon the cause and level of the illness as to whether Sound Therapy will help a specific individual.
Most people experience Sound Therapy as deeply relaxing, nurturing and energising. Gentle sounds are played around the person helping to shift energy blockages, negative energy patterns and so allowing the free flow of chi energy to be resumed. It is said to be particularly useful in supporting people who may be going through transitions or wishing to make a change in their life's direction. Sound Therapy is used to help restore and maintain balance on all levels and has been compared to a form of non-invasive sonic massage. Sound Therapy is also used in Feng Shui and Space Clearing.
1 comment:
western music is away of globalzistion that u.s.a and here partner occupid other culturals and people by it and make tem presioner for them same as fast foos and dresses and allot they want all people and cultural melt inside there new world so that every thing arouand us well be made in and have the trade mark of U.S.A and her partners
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