Wednesday, 12 December 2007


Nature is a wonderful teacher if only we would listen. Unfortunately, we live our lives bombarded by all things unnatural which have deafened and blinded us to hearing and seeing the inner knowledge which lie deep within us and all around us in the natural world. Nature itself responds to the environment just as we do. Even animals and plants respond to certain types of sounds. It has been discovered that whereas classical music can cause plants to twice as fast as those plants not exposed to classical music, plants which are exposed to rock music wither and die very quickly. Such plants exposed to classical music have been found to grow towards the speakers but the plants placed near to speakers producing rock music have been found to lean away from them. It has also been discovered that a music instrument creating sound waves will cause the protoplasm of cells, (which is the fluid medium inside all cells of plants, animals and humans), to increase its motion. Later research has found that when later generations of the seeds of these plants went on to produce other plants they also showed increased growth. This indicates that the music may have altered the chromosomes of those plants.
It is not far-fetched to consider that certain forms of music can affect the physical structures of living things. Music is just sound waves but not all sound waves are beneficial or desirable. Now we know that the power of sound can affect physical objects and that sound waves can cause our ear drums to vibrate which then goes on to cause a chain reaction in our middle and inner ears all of which eventually causes nerve impulses to reach our brains which are then perceived as sounds. Sound can be quite demonstratively destructive. Take for example, the ability of an opera singer who can shatter a glass or the fact that we can hear earthquakes before they actually happen…due to the fact that sound travels faster in the air than in the earth. Our bodies also resonate or vibrate in response to and with sound waves that we are exposed to. Some research has shown the relationships of this resonance with the planets in our solar system. Our DNA and RNA molecules, which are the building blocks of our chromosomes, resonate to an octave tone, (a musical relationship), of the earth's rotation pattern. If our DNA vibrates to the sound energies we are constantly exposed to, then when we listen to certain types of harmful music, our own bodies and those of future generations, through our chromosomes, may well be damaged. The different frequencies of sound waves that are produced by musical instruments correspond to various musical notes. Different parts of our bodies resonate with different notes and the harmonics produced by different musical instruments. In a sense, we become a dance comprising all of our energy fields, atoms, molecules, cells, tissues and organs each swirling in a rhythm to the beat of each sound wave. This can be either a dance of harmony, which can be healing, inspiring and life-enhancing or a dance of chaos, which can lead to energy malfunction, dis-ease, and life-drainage. This affects us on our mental, emotional, spiritual levels as well as physical levels.
This dance of nature to sound and music has been demonstrated by physicists. In this century, Dr Hans Jenny devised a device called a "tonoscope", which consisted of a metal plate on top of an oscillator. The oscillator produces vibrations in the plate that are adjustable according to volume and pitch. When different materials are placed on top of the tonoscope, patterns emerge in response to the vibrations that are similar to patterns found in nature. For example, when paste is placed on top of the tonoscope, a pattern emerges which resembles the early stages of cell division and patterns resembling the iris and pupil of an eye were produced when a crescendo of sound vibrated through powder. The most interesting result was when Dr Hans Jenny used a microphone to vibrate the tonoscope and made the ancient vocal sound of AUM or OHM, which is a mantra often used in Eastern-based meditation. The pattern which was produced consisted of a perfect circle filled with concentric squares and triangles.
The strange thing here is that this very same pattern is found in the yantra or geometric artwork that has been used for centuries in the East to represent the AUM of OHM. This demonstrates that there is a profound relationship with sound and matter. Dr Alfred Tomatis, a French ear specialist, spent most of his life measuring the affects of different sound frequencies on the human body, researching which ones boosted or depleted our energy systems and how such effects are brought about. His conclusion was that the ear is not just made for simply hearing but also for energising the brain and body.
He discovered that certain kinds of music which had an abundance of certain frequency ranges actually recharged the central grey nuclei cells in the brain.
These cells act like tiny batteries that power our brain-waves. He also discovered that the re-charging mechanism of these tiny batteries did not come internally but rather it was certain frequencies of sound from outside of our bodies which provide the re-charge. As sound travels through our inner ear, it whirls around through the coils of the cochlea. From there it comes upon a long line of 24,600 cells called Corti cells, which 'dance' a perfectly synchronized 'dance' to each sound. This 'dance of the Corti cells' produces energy that splits off with some of it going to the brain, some going to the vestibular branch of the auditory nerve and then through to the muscles throughout the body. We might now be considering what kind of sound waves do we need to produce these body-energising effects? When it comes to music it is more likely to be classical music and not rock music! Dr Tomatis discovered that classical music like Baroque produced frequencies which were found to be energising and also tension releasing. Researchers have gone on to apply these methods to plants and onto humans with some interesting results. When classical music like Baroque was played to diners in a restaurant it was found that they ate more slowly, digested their meal more easily and did not gain weight. When people ate to rock music they ate very quickly, had very poor digestion and gained weight. Dr Tomatis had also discovered that such life-energising frequencies could enhance psychological health too. Children with learning disabilities and autism were developing more normal lives and some research involved the sounds that babies hear when they are in their mother's wombs. He discovered that by placing a specially sealed microphone and speaker into water he could stimulate the sonic environment that a baby experiences before birth. He also found that playing the sounds of a mother's voice through this fluid media to her autistic son, made the child turn off the electric lights, climb onto his mother's lap, assume the foetal position and start sucking his thumb just like a baby inside the womb. The sound frequencies which predominated in the fluid environment which Dr Tomatis used were of the same sound frequencies that dolphins make and which are also found in bird song. These are same frequencies which have been found to be the most beneficial for re-charging our brain cells – around 8,000 herz! It is no coincidence, that the sounds of dolphins, whales and bird song have become very popular for use in meditation and relaxation therapies for the modern society which suffers so much from stress, tension, emotional and mental exhaustion.
Think about the wonderful music of nature……the first thing you are woken up with, if you are lucky, is the sound of the birds. Already you find it energising to hear them in the morning and then in the evening the bird song changes to make you feel relaxed and ready for resting.
Today I woke up with some stupid song stuck in my head which I found it difficult to get rid of. It was some song that had been playing while I had been waiting in a queue in a shop the day before. I had, in effect, been brain-washed and mind-controlled, by this rubbish and it took almost 3 days before I was able to shake it out of my mind.
Certain kinds of music are energising for our minds and bodies, especially children, and can help us learn more and learn faster, digest our food better, stimulate our IQ and generally boost our immune systems.
Certain kinds of music can be physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually draining and can impact upon our immune systems and overall health. There is specific concern regarding how it can affect the hormonal levels especially in teenagers….and guess who listens to music most? Yes, teenagers!
Certain frequencies of sound are beneficial to our bodies and are more present in certain types of musical instruments and with certain composers.
Music can affect cell protoplasm and even chromosomes which can affect later generations.
Researchers and educationalists are finding a direct relationship between music and the mental, verbal and behavioural development of children and teenagers.
It has become a rather disturbing fact that everywhere we go now in society we are submitted against our will to music. It is played in supermarkets, department stores, work-places, restaurants, coffee bars, from cars, from houses, flats and parks, etc, and usually at a volume which is highly uncomfortable. On my way to work, I hear drivers blasting excessively loud music from their cars at 8:00am in the morning like as if they want to be in a permanent, continual and eternal disco! If using a mobile phone is banned due to it distracting a driver how more so distracting is music? The driver cannot hear or pay attention to the traffic conditions or other road users while he is in his/her own world of mind-distorting music. It is usually some offensive rap or pop music played at full blast rather than Classical themes!
My dentist likes to play Classical music quietly in the background in his dental surgery which has the effect of relaxing and soothing his patients. I would think twice about going in there if he was playing any of the loud obnoxious music so prevalent everywhere else.
It is interesting to note also that vivisectors and technicians who abuse animals in research laboratories routinely play loud rock music. Loud rock music was used to torture detainees in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq.
Most music today is extremely negative and has lyrics which focus on either the glorification of violence, drugs and sex, contempt for women or has themes which pander to the illusionary notions of romance and 'love'. All these concepts are harmful to teenagers and young people. Most people have become so used to music everywhere they are even oblivious or ignorant of the lyrical content. An article I read recently written by a Muslim gentleman tended to assume that only the Western world was afflicted by this disease and that only Muslims were being harmed by it. Unfortunately, although this type of music does have its roots in Western, Secular Society it has now also invaded the so-called 'Muslim' World. In most major cities in the Middle East, whether it is Cairo or Tehran, you will no doubt hear some car blasting out this type of audio assault and many of the coffee bars are now starting to follow suit. You can sit in a Fast-Food Take-Away Restaurant in Cairo and you will hear loud obnoxious rap music glorifying gang-violence, drugs, prostitution, misogyny and even sodomy….yes, I understood the American rapper's words quite clearly even if the rest of the clientele may or may not have been oblivious to what was really being blasted out as families sat their with their young children and their wives wearing hijab. Hypocritical? Of course! Are Muslims the only ones being harmed by it? Of course not! However, it is true to say that anyone with an ounce of intellect or aspirations to a more spiritual life-style will be seriously offended and harmed by this extreme abundance of music which now dominates societies all over the world. Many others are oblivious of the fact that they are actually being mind-controlled and brain-washed by this toxic rubbish and that their bodies are no doubt being harmed in one way or another. I can remember the time when I visited a nightclub because it was my friend's birthday and partly because I wanted to see how bad society had become. I was not proved wrong on the second point. I had to come straight out after about ten minutes because I could not physically bear the sound of the noise emanating out of the place! The next day I had a hang-over affect…not due to alcohol as I do not drink but obviously due to the sound which had poisoned my head in that place! I can only say that the people in there must be either totally addicted or brain-washed by this crap or under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I will not make that mistake again! I went against my better judgement and my beliefs by going in such a place to begin with. Again, not so long ago I had to go into a cafĂ© to get a sandwich and had to leave pretty quickly with my sandwich in hand due to the loud rock music which was playing at full blast. I could feel my nerves being pushed to the limits and I started to get a headache. Why are we being assaulted in this way against our will? Music has become an addiction.
The driver in his car who has to blast out music on his way to work early in the morning, the school-children who are listening to music in their headphones on the bus on the way to and from school, the people who play music most of the day every day……this is an addiction!
They cannot function, they cannot do their day-to-day duties and they cannot live without the accompaniment of music.
If you look at most of these people who moronically nod their heads and tap their feet in time to their music they are addicted to you will notice that their eyes are pretty dead as if their very soul has been taken away. There is no spirit left inside. Of course I am not one of the extremists who say that all music should be banned. I am not a Holy Joe who says all music is evil and from Satan. What I am saying is that I believe that the way music is being used in our society has become evil and there are Satanic elements to it, definitely. To not listen to any music at all is as unbalanced as listening to music all of the time. Like in anything, moderation is the key and there is a time and place for everything. However, it seems that moderation has been lost and music is being played all the time in every place now. I believe that music should be only allowed in either specially licensed public performances like concerts or if people want to play music they should be limited to how loud and how long they play it. There is no harm in playing different types of music according to one's moods, some music can be uplifting, inspiring, calming…….sometimes a blast of good heavy metal music helps to clear out an atmosphere…so long as it is not played longer than 15 minutes and does not annoy neighbours. More and more people are becoming aware of the dangers of music in our modern society and the way it has pervaded everything to the point of becoming an environmental pollution. Just because some Muslim and Christian groups have called for it to be banned in public does not make it a religious issue. It is a human issue which affects us all regardless of our beliefs or lack of them. Those of us who do believe in a God know that the Creator who created us must know what is best for us. Unfortunately, most people have chosen to follow Man's Laws and not God's Laws to our ultimate detriment it seems. The Creator did not exactly leave us each a personal Manual to guide us when we were born into this world but many of the teachings found through religious texts and ancient civilisations can teach us what is the best course of life we should adhere to, what we should avoid and what we should embrace. If we follow these, listen to our own intuitions, and heed Nature we will discover many truths. The world we currently live in is increasing in negative energy and it is poisoning not just our bodies and minds but also our spirits. The obsession with music in the public sphere of everyday life is just one example of this.

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