Wednesday, 23 January 2008


Alien abduction seems to go hand in hand with UFOs except whereas UFOs can be caught on camera or tracked on radar for analysis, the whole subject surrounding alien abduction remains ever elusive.
Various theories surround the subject and interpretation remains open.
Clearly, there are specific similarities in cases reported which highlight the fact that at least something is going on, but what that something is remains a mystery.
The major theories concerning alien abduction range from the outright belief that human beings, albeit certain selected individuals, are being taken against their will by extra-terrestrial or ultra/inter- dimensional beings for experimental purposes to the more mundane psychological explanations and the downright hoaxes. There, however, remains another theory which I would like to present but firstly I will briefly give an outline of the more common hypotheses.
People either believe that beings from other dimensions or planets are really interacting with them and their world for whatever reason, or they believe that they could be suffering from some sort of delusional illness. Neither has been proven in as much as there is no objective proof for the reality of alien abduction and yet there is no medical evidence to suggest that any of the 'victims' who come forward with their experiences are suffering from any form of mental illness.
The other suggestion is that alien abduction is a form of attention-seeking and is all an elaborate hoax by dysfunctional personalities.
The idea of individuals hoaxing their experiences is not a totally valid one in that most reports are volunteered by people who wish no fame or fortune but rather they are initially embarrassed and concerned about their reputations and careers as a result of coming forward with such notions.
If we look a little closer at the whole crux of 'alien abductions', one stark fact and set of clues stares out from it all and is a common theme which runs through all the experiences which each and every alien abductee recounts.
Abductees relate their fear and dread of their abductors who are more powerful and stronger than their victims, (although the abductors are described as small beings about 3 – 4 feet tall), they, the alien abductors, display a clinical approach devoid of any empathy to the abductee, and the procedures seem to be medically based and invasive. The human victims have no knowledge of what is being done to them or why. They feel powerless, vulnerable, defenceless and afraid.
The abductors are basically doing what they want, because they can and because they obviously think they have the right to do so. Abductees often state that their abductors convey to them that what they are doing is for the 'greater good'. The greater good for whom one may ask?
Though, wait a minute! Do we see any similarities here which are actually happening in our reality?
So far in my life I have been fortunate enough to have never been in hospital for any surgical procedures yet I have a fear and dread of surgical procedures. Why is that? How can I have an almost morbid fear and dread of the unknown, something I have never experienced myself? Whose feelings am I tuning into here? Some would argue that our memory of unpleasant experiences replay and reinforce our fear and anxiety if we know we may experience such situations, events or conditions again.
Others go as far as even suggesting that hidden memories of past lives can re-surface when prompted by anything which can trigger them. This is why some people can have a fear of water or heights without any rational reason. Perhaps they experienced the sensation of drowning or falling in a previous existence? This idea has also been put forth to explain, partly, the phenomena of so-called childhood memory of past-lives in which some children, in some cases as young as only three years old, relate very specific events and situations which they could not have any possible rational knowledge of. Genetic memory has been ruled out due to the complexity of some of the case-studies. So what is happening?
Another theory, and one which I recently came to think more about, is the idea of minds or consciousness being able to filter feelings of traumatic experiences into the ether which in turn can be picked up and stored in the recipient mind or consciousness of certain individuals and perhaps brought to the surface at a later date when prompted under the right conditions? Recent studies suggest that the heart is composed of the same type of neurons as are found in the brain and that the heart may be capable of storing memory. It is certainly a 'feeling' centre and now some scientific views think it could also be a source of intelligent response. This data has been compiled on the basis of reports of heart transplant patients recalling memories and even developing some aspects of their donor's personality! Could this imply that there is more to the body than mere flesh and blood?
Nobody knows where the consciousness is actually stored or whether it is even in the body or outside the body as part of the energy field or spirit. People who favour life after death say that the consciousness survives and leaves the body upon physical expiration.
Linking to the overall higher consciousness of all beings not just our own human species is a definite possibility. 'The Universal Consciousness of All Beings' is a phrase often heard amongst those who aspire to spiritual schools of thought.
Picking up on other's feelings of fear, dread and pain can be extended to the other species who share our current reality with us. We are not separate but rather we are all connected as part of a greater whole. Those who have a natural compassion and empathy with others are ultimately more sensitive to this – which is probably why such people end up getting involved with human, animal and environmental issues. It is interesting to note that many alien abductees say that after their experiences they begin to adapt a different attitude and response to life and the world around them. Some say that they develop new psychic skills and their intuition is sharpened.
Their perception of reality is heightened and they become more emphatic towards others.
Many become vegetarian/vegan or start getting involved in various causes to assist the planet and their fellow inhabitants.
What the alien abductees claim the aliens are doing to them is exactly what is happening every day in our own world, except it is the human species who are conducting such procedures on the non-human species who inhabit our world.
In the case of the non-human animals, they are also taken from their natural environment, kept in an environment hostile to anything they know and they are routinely subjected to experimental procedures of which they have no understanding of. These acts are carried out in the belief of the 'greater good' as I pointed out earlier. The tyranny of the human against the non-human is exactly what we are seeing replicated in the stories and reports from so-called alien abductees.
Is something, or someone, trying to tell us something here? Are we being shown ourselves?
This idea only came to me when viewing a piece of footage into an investigation concerning primate experimentation. Looking at the images before me seemed so familiar. I have seen, or rather felt, these same images every time I read or hear another alien abduction story. The same dread fills me of what it must be like. The alien abductees talk of masked beings or strange-looking entities, sometimes wearing dark-blue boiler type jump suits and helmets, restraining them in a hostile, sterile environment and forcing tubes and probes up into their nasal cavities and down their throats as they lay there totally immobile and terror-stricken and hoping that the nightmare will soon be over. They see their abductors as 'monsters' whose real identity is hidden. I was seeing the same scenes right in front of me on the computer screen. However, this was no alien spaceship and these were not aliens, although it all just might as well have been for the animals, but a laboratory hidden away somewhere on planet earth. When those masked 'monsters' force the tubes down into the restrained monkey's throat and into his/her nasal cavities, or encase him/her inside a cylindrical tube, for experimental procedures, the same dread becomes apparent. No matter how much they, the monkeys, object to what is happening to them, and they certainly do, the stronger and more powerful humans do not take heed of the monkey's fear. It is a very similar scenario with the 'experiencers' of so-called alien abduction. Of course, the only difference is the reverse in the size of the beings. In so-called alien abductions, the abductees are small compared to their human victims whereas the humans are huge compared to the small monkeys. (So much worse for the monkeys then!)
I have been here before. I know what this creature is going through. Not because it happened to me directly or that it is a memory of a so-called alien abduction scenario but more than likely it is because I am capable of linking in to another sentient creature's experience which is traumatic enough to resonate outwards and be picked by other sentient beings.
This is my theory anyway.
Apart from the similarities in experiences between alien abductions and animal experimental procedures, the difference here though is that the alien abductee inevitably wakes up and is back in their bedroom safe, albeit traumatised if they have any conscious memory of their experience. They can walk away from their nightmare, it is only temporary. The monkey cannot walk away and is never going to walk away. He/she will not wake up from their nightmare which will be permanent until they are dead.
We need to learn something here. We cannot complain when another species, stronger and more powerful than us, takes us from our environment and places us in a hostile area with the sole aim of conducting experimental procedures upon us against our will.
We are doing these ourselves.
Perhaps this is being reflected back to us via our own sub-conscious or maybe these aliens, whoever and whatever they may be, are trying to teach us a few lessons.
Maybe we are beginning to be visited by our own karma at the end of the day?
If we are really being abducted by aliens, or whatever they as a 'phenomenon' they may be or represent, then only the following facts remain:
A species of intelligent life forms really are invading our physical, psychological and/or spiritual environments and routinely performing what seem to be inexplicable tests and experimental procedures upon us and do not particularly give two hoots whether we like it or not, in fact they continue to do so anyway and we do not seem to be in much of a position to object.
If alien abduction is a reality then judging by our own standards and behaviour towards other creatures it seems that we are not much in a position to complain about it ……are we?
This is just my opinion, my own theory of course. I may be completely wrong….or I may be completely right. Whatever the truth is perhaps it is time for us to take a closer look at ourselves.
Incidentally, if we look at the commonly reported alien 'Grey' face as depicted on the front cover of the book, 'Communion – Encounters With the Unknown' by author and alleged alien abductee, Whitley Streiber, and then look at the features of a rhesus macaque monkey we can see strikingly familiar features. The small, flat nose with two tiny holes for nostrils, the thin, slit-like shape of the mouth, the large dark eyes and also not forgetting the long thin fingers.
Of course, theories abound and mine is just one amongst many……but….there just seems to be too many people claiming too many similarities for it all to be just another coincidence!

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